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Everything you need to teach and help your students become bilingual in English and French.




Everything you need to teach and help your students become bilingual in English and French.
French listening/ reading- Telling a Halloween story in the past (passé-compose/ imparfait)

French listening/ reading- Telling a Halloween story in the past (passé-compose/ imparfait)

You will find: - A story "Rencontre avec une sorcière" (Meeting a witch)- using the past tenses (passé-composé et imparfait). The story is being read twice, very clearly, by a French native speaker. It is also available written on a worksheet with questions and on a PowerPoint presentation (.ppt). It includes the whole analysis of the text (setting, characters, tenses, halloween vocabulary about a witch). As an extra, you will find a link to Geography as the story is happening somewhere special, in a French speaking country... There is also a written task at the end that is clearly set with strategies given on how to complete it best. Every single task is available on audio.


Power Point - to practice using the past tense in French (le passé-composé) with "la voix active" and "la voix passive" - to learn about the expression "se faire +infinitif" - to review parts of the body Basically, the gingerbread man is trying to run away from the bat. Little at a time, the bat manages to eat a piece of the gingerbread man (one hand, one harm, the second hand...). The students learn to say: "The bat ate one hand of the gingerbread man. La chauve-souris a mangé une main du bonhomme en pain d'épice. One hand of the gingerbread man has been eaten by the bat. Une main du bonhomme en pain d'épice a été mangée par la chauve-souris. The gingerbread man had one of his hand eaten by the bat. Le bonhomme en pain d'épice s'est fait manger une de ses mains par la chauve-souris." The rules about the tenses are clearly given in this PPT. All correct answers have been recorded properly by a native French speaker. At the end, you will find a listening activity in which you need to match each listening to its correct image. I have designed all the images by myself. This teaching resource can be used to review the past tense, extend knowledge using the passive form and learn new common expressions in French.
Easter Eggs- Les oeufs de Pâques

Easter Eggs- Les oeufs de Pâques

You will find: -a PPT with 47 slides including many audio sequences. It also refers to the worksheets. -two detailed lesson plans. -four worksheets (one to practice each skill required in French: listening/ speaking/ writing/ reading) Objectives: -Count up to 12 Easter eggs+ describe the colours (pronounciation+ order 'noun+colour') -Describe the colour of the eggs looking at their position (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) and make full sentences (Le premier oeuf est rouge.) -Practice speaking in pairs asking 'De quelle couleur est le deuxième oeuf?' and answering 'il est jaune.' -Practice reading sentences and colouring eggs accordingly. - Practice listening to a description and colouring eggs accordingly. -Practice writing sentences to describe colourfull Easter eggs. -Say 'Happy Easter!' in French. I confirm that I have designed all the cliparts and everthing else. They are my own copyrights.


Package to teach about colours in FRENCH. It includes: -Power Point (33 slides) with 12 monsters (blue, red, yellow,...) for halloween. The students will practice saying the colours in French (bleu, jaune, rouge...) and make simple sentences, eg "Voici un monstre jaune". You will find all the answers recorded by a native French speaker as well as speaking activities. There is a Noughts & Crosses game to practice naming the colours. (including examples on how to play the game with the class) There is also another game to practice reading the colours and match them the correct monster. - 12 Flashcards with a picture of a monster, the colour written in French and a short sentence eg "picture - rouge -Voici un monstre rouge." - A worksheet to practice reading the words and colour the monsters accordingly. This package will allow you to differentiate the learning difficulties thanks to the recorded buttons added everywhere on the PPT. So, if a student is stuck with a colour, just press the button to hear the answer and practice repeating. FUN for kids! I have designed all the cliparts. Enjoy!
Halloween.FRENCH-Chateau Hanté-Prépositions

Halloween.FRENCH-Chateau Hanté-Prépositions

Objectives: -Use the prepositions (in, on, under, next to, behind...) to describe where the pumpkins are. -Learn some vocabulary about Halloween. This package contains: - Interactive Power Point Presentation (19 slides) with objectives, vocabulary, sentences and "Hide and seek the pumpkin" games. All the slides contain audio sequences recorded by a native French speaker. (single vocabulary words are being repeated three times to encourage the students to practice and rapidely improve their French speaking skills- sentences are repeated once)- Just need to press on the microphone buttons! - "Hide & Seek the pumpkins" game to print. This game can be played in pairs or with two small groups. - "Key learning" sheets that can be laminated for display or given as a reference. - Written task I hope you find this package useful. Please don't hesitate to write a short feedback after downloading it. Merci!


Package to teach about colours in SPANISH. It includes: -Power Point (33 slides) with 12 monsters (blue, red, yellow,...) for halloween. The students will practice saying the colours in Spanish (azul, amarillo, rojo...) and make simple sentences, eg "Es un monstruo amarillo." There is a Noughts and Crosses game to practice naming the colours. (including examples on how to play the game with the class) There is also another game to practice reading the colours and matching them to the correct monster. - 12 Flashcards with a picture of a monster, the colour written in Spanish and a short sentence eg "picture - rojo - Es un monstruo rojo." - A worksheet to practice reading the words and colouring the monsters accordingly. FUN for kids! I have designed all the cliparts. Enjoy!
Halloween Maths Monsters Patterns Double Entrance Tables Shapes Colors ESL and more

Halloween Maths Monsters Patterns Double Entrance Tables Shapes Colors ESL and more

This bundle contains everything you need to help your early years students improve their maths skills through fun activities. It can also be used with older students learning English as a Second Language. Including hundreds of Halloween monsters in all different colours and shapes! - Power point with 37 slides to review colors, shapes, adjectives to describe height, weight and body build. Your students will learn to make sentences to describe the monsters using a range of adjectives. They will learn about simple patterns and more complex ones. They will also learn to fill double entrance tables up. There are opportunities to differentiate and extend all the activities thanks to the added documents: - A set of 60 mini Flashcards with monsters in different colours and shapes to use in speaking and maths activities. - A set of 4 double entrance tables to use in centres of activities for example. It can be laminated if you plan t use it again and again with different students. - A set of 6 pages of patterns to continue with different level of difficulties (with 5 patterns per page, which means 30 patterns all together) - A set of 3 pages with monsters to cut out and arrange from the biggest to the smallest one. - A worksheet to practice adding monsters up to five. - A set of 3 monsters masks. Any comments welcomed!Hope you enjoy teaching maths with this special Halloween pack. -
Halloween FRENCH Monstres Description Couleurs Formes

Halloween FRENCH Monstres Description Couleurs Formes

I have designed this package especially for Halloween. You will find: -An Interactive power point presentation with audio sequences on most of the 38 slides, with activities that will enhance students speaking skills, especially their pronunciation and the order of the words in French (eg un petit monstre jaune meaning a small yellow monster...) - 60 mini flashcards with colourful monsters in 5 different shapes that can be used for different games. - a set of 6 double entrance tables with shapes and colours. (link with maths) - a set of 3 different monster masks to decorate for Halloween. - a set of 6 workseets with 5 different patterns each (30 all together) with different level of difficulties. - a set of 3 worksheets with monsters t cut ut and order in a sequence (size) - a worksheet to practice adding monsters and write the answers in French (un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq) I hope you will find this package very useful and fun for your students. MERCI de me faire confiance!
Easter in France - Paques

Easter in France - Paques

Powerpoint on Easter Tradition in France. Learn vocabulary with pronunciation + game Make a Easter poem about eggs. Lots of fun!!